Already graduated and it's time to look for establishing a career? Are you about to have your first job interview? This is a serious challenge and never an easy task! We all know that there is no one-size-fits-all formula to ensure a successful interview but if you follow a few easy steps, you can be sure that you can't go wrong!
Prepare in advance and gather information about the employer
In order to make a good impression and stand out from the other candidates, we must not only perform well but be the best! Preliminary research of the company is often missed and underestimated, namely, this part makes a huge impression and leaves a sense of interest during the job interview. We advise you to search for the company on the Internet and to note preliminary questions that will guarantee you an additional impetus. Browse the company's website, social networks, forums and blogs. Go to the forefront of your prospective employer with your knowledge of the company's products, competitors, and reputation. The detail and the in-depth interest would impress everyone.

Dress Code
Do not underestimate the part with the appearance because each of us knows that "On the appearance meet". Make sure your clothes and shoes are in good condition. From then on a cleaner look and casual business attire would be the most appropriate choice, especially for the first stage of the meeting. Do not put on too bright makeup, intrusive perfume, or bulky jewelry - all things that would distract your interlocutor. Bet on the classic style that complements you without attracting too much attention.
Dress Code ideas:
• Classic suit, combined with a skirt or trousers
• Trousers in combination with a shirt
• Dress to which you can add a jacket
• Closed flat or low-heel shoes
• Blue, gray, beige or white color are utmost suitable
Don't be late
Take more time to avoid possible delays. Find the address where the interview will take place in advance to make sure you find it easily. However, if something happens, make sure you have the employer’s contact to alert for a short delay or another obstacle. If everything went according to plan, take advantage of the earlier 5 minutes to see the office, colleagues, and the overall work environment.

The first step to melting the ice comes from the handshake. Initial contact is extremely important as it sends an important message to the other person. Use the handshake at the beginning and end of the job interview, remembering to maintain eye contact. The key element here is the power of the handshake. Do it in moderation - neither too strong nor too weak.
Let the interviewer begin
The conversation usually starts on the other side with a short introductory speech about the company, position, or general direction of how the conversation will go. Listen carefully, wait calmly, without interrupting your interlocutor.
When the ball is in your court, start talking convincingly, confidently and motivated. Let your future employer feel your enthusiasm and desire to work.
Find out what are the key highlights in your resume that you think would contribute to the desired position and use them. Present your achievements and try to link them to the position you are applying for. Make a note of the contributions from past jobs, how they have inspired you to grow and achieve more. Combine all this with a light smile and a positive tone.

How to answer questions
Most companies ask a lot of questions during the conversation. Many of them are painfully familiar to us, but let us not forget that there is no right or wrong answer for them. It is worth exploring them without relying on unnecessary improvisations. Many candidates say, "I'll just be myself!" But it is not enough to be just yourself you have to be your best "I"! There are dozens of articles and videos with conceptual topics and questions that are most often asked at a job interview. They will contribute to honest and logical answers. Also, look for additional questions closely related to the position you are applying for. Pay attention to the requirements stated in the job advertisement and link your answers to them. Help yourself in advance to minimize the seconds of awkward silence.
Asking questions
Be sure to prepare a list of meaningful and relevant questions. The process of finding a job is not a one-way street but an interview in which both parties must show their best and win over the other party. You certainly want to know particular things about your job and responsibilities. So, don't hesitate to ask. Show interest in the position, company policy and values, future colleagues etc. The interest will certainly be noticed.
The financial part
Invariably, the most embarrassing question during an interview is the one related to the expected remuneration. Don't be afraid of that part! Answer openly and directly without unnecessary worries or detours. At the same time, try to keep the tone and intonation you have used so far. It would be good to talk with numbers and determine a pre-selected range in which it can vary. This is how the door to negotiations remains open while at the same time the other side is already aware of your expectations.
To close the initial stage of the job interview
Stay engaged until the end of the interview and do not hesitate to ask when you can expect feedback in case the interviewer has not mentioned this so far. Thank him/her for the time he/she has given you and for the opportunity to meet and get to know each other.
You can now relax. You went through the initial stage of the job interview!